Yesterday we all went to a Iggy get together. It was fun until it started raining which cut the party short. Enzo met this cute little guy who followed him around most of the day.
Enzo Magazine
If you recall our last Wednesday meeting, Enzo wanted to start a magazine. Here is the cover for the test issue. We will have to wait and see if he can find any interest for it.
Bright Morning
We had some left over chicken which Enzo ate with some scrambled egg and a bit of pear for breakfast. He is loving life today!
Dreaming Big
Enzo had big announcement at our meeting today. He wants to put out a new magazine. I tried to explain that print media is dying and a magazine about Italian Greyhounds would have a limited appeal, but he was not having it. He thought that he could compete on the grocery store aisles with the big names! Well, he does dream big, you have to give him that.
It’s a Stretch
Enzo has been spending some more time on his new rug and I caught him mid stretch this morning. Look at how big his chest is compared to those skinny legs!
National Workplace Napping Day
Today is arguably one of the best holidays of the year, National Workplace Napping Day. Enzo wants to set a good example and encourage everyone to enjoy the celebration of a healthy lifestyle.
Squirrel Hunter Video
A few times this morning the sun has peaked through the clouds. Enzo has been takeing advantage of these warm events by relaxing on his new rug. I took this picture right after he ate a treat of Alaskan fish. It could be me, but it looks like he is reflecting on his good life.
Fence Patrol
Enzo spent the day patrolling the perimeter.
Getting Fit
Earlier this year, Enzo was told by his Vet that he was in great health and a perfect weight for his breed. Somewhere he acquired the belief that if he just gets a little bit faster he might be able to finally catch one of those nimble squirrels! Unfortunately for me, he is making this about me also. Oh yea, the best part was revealed after I took the picture. Guess what the prize is for winning the ‘Get Fit Challenge’ is? 2lbs of raw chicken liver. Yuck!!!