This morning I saw the strangest thing when I was taking pictures. Enzo was biting the dried tops of poppy flowers off and then spitting them out. He has been acting a little weird today and his stomach is upset, so I am hoping he did not eat one when I was not looking. I called the vet and they said he would not overdose from them. Thank goodness for that! I am going to keep a close eye on him today and make sure he is not doing any more foolish experimentation.
Easing into Monday
Enzo had a great weekend! Saturday was his big play date with Rocco, Musso and his foster mom Sheila. Any time he gets to see Sheila, he goes right up and tries to give her a big kiss, so you know that he was excited to see her. Rocco and Musso are great play mates and completely wore Enzo out. I have never seen him go to sleep so fast as when we picked him up. Today he is getting back into the groove and is having fun chasing the birds and flying insects in the yard. He has a ball when the sun comes out!
Crazy Kangaroo
Enzo is being a real goof today. I think he is overly excited for his big play date this weekend and is just getting wound up. He wanted to show off his Kangaroo impersonation to all of you and wish everyone a happy Friday!
Fortune Cookie Ears
Enzo has been working hard on his to do list today, but is now focusing most of his energy on naps. Current Anacortes weather is gloomy, so Enzo picked some R&B tunes to keep the vibe mellow while I am working and he is taking it easy. His little fortune cookie shaped ears are relaxed and let me know that all is well.
Play Planner
This weekend Enzo has a play date with his best buddies Rocco and Musso. It has been a while since he has seen them and he is extremely excited! This morning we planned out what he needs to do to get ready. He wants to get everything done in time and still be able to have his usual 5 or 6 naps a day. He might be a little optimistic about being able to bring a squirrel pelt, but a dog has got to dream big.
Black and White
Have you ever noticed Enzo’s whiskers? The Enzo fun fact of the month is that he has grown black whiskers on the left side of his schnauz and white whiskers on the right. I wish I could do that!
Looking for Trouble
Enzo has been listening to the news about the Skagit bridge collapse with me and thought that if he could just look over the fence he might be able to see it from our house. Not even close, but maybe we can drive down there later and join the other looky-loos.
Curious Enzo
Enzo has been having a ball exploring the yard today and checking out all the little bugs he can find. I like to imagine that if he were a human he would have chosen to be a scientist. Well, maybe a mad scientist who sleeps a lot and runs around the lab like a Tasmanian devil.
The Pampered Life
Yesterday I saw Enzo getting ready for a meeting today, but we unexpectedly took him to see our Uncle Vic in Seattle which foiled his plans. He and Vic are BFF’s as you can see in the picture, so he completely forgot about the meeting and just enjoyed the evening full of extra attention.
Can’t Stand Still
Well, the sun is starting to peek out today and Enzo is having a hard time standing still so I can take his picture. How about one of his forehead and eyes?